Academic Articles
Into the
Third Space
Ronnie, Liz and Bernard collaborated on an article for Axon journal in 2018. It’s called ‘Into the Third Space: Teaching and researching graphic narratives in a creative writing context.’ The article interweaves our three perspectives on how the medium of comics can change and refresh our perception of narrative making, reading and analysing. Our common ground for this article was the creative space of the Graphic Narratives classroom, a place where students and staff encounter images alongside words and experiment with the possibilities and limitations of each.
Designing a literary workshop for the graphic novel
Pat and Liz co-founded the Comic Art Workshop – a residency for artists producing long-form comics – in 2015 and ran the workshop for three iterations: in 2015 on Maria Island, 2017 in Jogjakarta, and 2019 on Dangar Island. CAW is now under the stewardship of new directors Josh Santospirito and Eleri Harris. In 2019, Pat and Liz collaborated on an article about CAW for the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics called ‘Designing a literary workshop for the graphic novel: a critical tradition and a new literary form.’ If you’d like to read this article and don’t have access to Taylor & Francis Online, please drop us a line at and we’d be happy to send you a copy.